Its time for us all to End Child Poverty in Australia.

Every day in Australia, more than 761,000 children live below the poverty line.

All children and young people deserve to thrive.

Join our mission to End Child Poverty in Australia and bring about a brighter future for all children.

The impact poverty has on children can last a lifetime.

This is despite having parents who love them and trying to do their best.

Poverty affects a child’s health, mental health and wellbeing. Many children report missing out on essential items like food, clothes, housing and often friendships because they have to move so often.

Transforming Children's Lives, Building a Prosperous Future

  • Transforming Lives

    Our campaign shines a light on children living in poverty, ensuring systems of education, housing, healthcare, food security, income support, employment and improved living conditions are working to prevent children living below the poverty line.

  • Economic Prosperity

    A child who lives in poverty is 3.3 times as likely to live in poverty as an adult. However, in Australia, there is no national approach to ending child poverty.

  • Global Recognition

    Recognising that child poverty has to end will put Australia on the global stage as a leader in child well-being and social justice. It sends a powerful message to the world that we value our children, attracting international attention, and recognition for our commitment to a brighter future for the next generation.

Countries like New Zealand, Canada, and the United States have successfully implemented legislation to reduce child poverty resulting in improved child wellbeing.

Australia can achieve this too.